Fall On Your Knees by Rachel Gardner

Fall On Your Knees

  By Rachel Gardner

  Published by Rachel Bumgardner

  Copyright 2014- Rachel Bumgardner

  Cover Art: Copyright 2005-Tracy Lee Caroll

  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Table of Contents

  Fall On Your Knees

  Author Bio

  Fall On Your Knees

  The bus was crowded as Aaron and Seth made their way home after school. Seth had managed to find a seat in the back and was now listening to his iPod while staring out the window. Aaron stood standing over him, holding the handrail above his head for balance. He watched Seth and was sure that the iPod he was listening to contained music that would not be deemed appropriate by their strict Catholic parents. He smiled to himself as he envisioned what their mother would say to him if she ever thought to inspect his playlist.

  “Secular music is the devil’s work Seth! How dare you pollute your mind with such blasphemy,” She would probably yell.

  The thought both amused and frightened Aaron. He knew that what would start as a reprimand, would quickly turn into a harsh punishment. Seth annoyed Aaron, but he would never intentionally get Seth into trouble with their parents. Their mother had a wicked temper and a special gift for coming up with horrific forms of penance. He made a mental note to himself to make sure that Seth properly hid that iPod where their mother would never find it.

  As they walked up the block to their house, Aaron was lost in thought about his girlfriend Lila. The two had been going out for almost a year now, yet he still had not introduced her to his parents. He was allowed to date, but he was afraid to bring Lila home and place her under the scrutiny of his overbearing mother. She had very specific viewpoints as to how a good Catholic girl should behave herself, and Lila was not a good Catholic girl.

  Aaron was so lost in thought, that he walked right into Seth who was standing frozen in the driveway outside of their house. Aaron was about to yell at him when Seth put a finger to his mouth indicating that he should be quiet. Aaron at once stopped breathing as Seth quietly stepped toward the house tilting his head to listen. He could see the fear slowly spreading across Seth’s face.

  “Seth, what is it?” He whispered.

  “Music, Christian music. Mom’s playing it inside… loud.”

  Fear spread through Aaron’s body. Their mother only blared Christian music when she was truly upset, and in a punishing kind of mood. Quickly, Aaron racked his brain trying to remember whether he had done something wrong in the past couple of days. He couldn’t think of anything, so he turned to his brother.

  “What did you do?” He hissed.

  “Me? I was just about to ask you the same question. I haven’t done anything!” He answered.

  “Well, me neither! We’re not late are we?”

  “No, we’ve got five minutes to spare.”

  “So if we’re both clean, and we’re not late, then what could she possibly be mad about?”

  “No clue, but I’m not stepping foot inside that house without a game plan.”

  “You’re right. Okay… I say deny, deny, deny. No matter what she claims we did, deny it. We need to put up a united front too. She’s less likely to break us if we stick together. All we have to do is hold out until Dad gets home. He’s the best at calming her down.”

  “Okay, but if things get too crazy, it’s every man for himself. Agreed?”


  Slowly, the two boys continued walking up the driveway to their house. The minute they opened the door they could feel the tension in air. The song playing on the stereo was one of their mother’s favorite, Rock of Ages. That was not a good sign. Seth glanced at Aaron. His eyes said exactly what Aaron was thinking. ‘This is bad’.

  As soon as Aaron closed the door behind him, their mother emerged from the living room. She glared at them with eyes full of rage and silently pointed toward the couch. The two boys immediately dropped their book bags on the floor and moved. They each sat at opposite ends of the couch. Neither of them spoke, or looked at their mother. At this point, it was best to let her do the talking. After turning off the music, she moved to stand in front of them.

  “Today, while I was doing my wifely duty of maintaining a clean household, I found some things in your room that have angered me immensely. Now, if one or both of you confess right now, then I will be lenient. Now talk.” She said sweetly.

  Both boys looked at each other. This was always her first tactic. Aaron shook his head at Seth reminding him of their agreement. Deny, deny, deny.

  “Mom, how can we confess to something when we have no idea what you’re talking about?” Seth said.

  “Oh, really Seth? Well let me remind you then.” She answered.

  Their mother turned on her heel and walked quickly into the kitchen. When she returned she held out a small golden hoop earing in front of her and opened up her other hand to reveal a used condom wrapped in a tissue. She held them as if touching them burned her skin. She glared down at the boys while they stared at her in shock.

  “Who do these belong too?” She hissed.

  Seth’s head instantly snapped in the direction of his brother who just sat dumbfounded. It was now clear what was going on. Their mother was under the impression that one or both of them had had a girl in their room. The act was in violation of one of the Catholic Churches cardinal rules, no sex before marriage. Seth’s face said ‘It’s every man for himself’.

  “Mom, I know what you’re thinking, but I would never do anything like that.” Seth pleaded.

  “Oh, I know you would never do such a thing Seth, but your brother on the other hand…”

  At that, Aaron finally snapped out of the fog he had been under.

  “Mom, I swear on everything holy that I haven’t done anything to disgrace God or you. I have no idea how those things got in our room!” Aaron cried.

  “You expect me to believe that!” She snapped. “How dare you lie to me and God? This is why you refuse to bring that girlfriend of yours home. You knew that I would see her for what she really is… a tramp! Confess Aaron, and pray that God will forgive you!”

  Aaron was speechless. He looked as if all the life had been sucked out of him. He knew that there was no convincing his mother otherwise. She was firm in her belief of his guilt. Seth looked at his brother and pitied him. He knew whatever punishment his mother had in store for him would be horrible. He decided that he couldn’t let his brother go down alone.

  “Mom, if you’re going to punish Aaron then you might as well punish me too.” He said.

  Their mother whipped her head around and stared at Seth in shock.

  “Seth? No. Not you too?” She whispered.

  “Yes mother. Me too.” He replied.

  Aaron turned to look at his brother. He knew his brother was lying. Seth didn’t have a girlfriend. He had never even kissed a girl. Seth knew that Aaron was innocent, but didn’t want Aaron to have to suffer through the punishment alone. Aaron would have done exactly the same thing for Seth. They were a united front.

  In a fit of anger, their mother stormed out of the room, and when she returned she held in her hand the jar in which they kept the uncooked rice. She opened it and poured two large circles of rice onto the floor in front of the fireplace. She then walked to the bookshelf and retrieved four of the large Encyclopedia Britannica’s. She then instructed them to remove their clothes.

  “Fall on your knees boys, and repent for the sin of breaking your covenants with God.” She said.

  Standing in nothing but their boxers, both boys walked to their own prospective circles of rice. They then slowly dropped to their kne
es directly on top of their own rice pile. Their mother instructed them to hold out their arms in front of them, and placed two of the Encyclopedias on their outstretched arms. Both boys winced under the weight, but knew not to utter a word.

  “You will kneel there until your father returns home and pray for forgiveness. Then he shall have the honor of doling out your final punishment.” Their mother hissed.

  After their mother had finally left the room, Aaron and Seth struggled to keep the Encyclopedias balanced on their arms. Their mother had turned on the fireplace, so the heat was causing them to sweat profusely. Wincing, Aaron turned to look at his brother. Seth was deep in concentration, trying not to drop the heavy books.

  “Hey, Seth.” He whispered.

  “What?” Seth replied through gritted teeth.


  “No problem man.”

  After what seemed like hours, the boy’s father finally walked in the front door. He walked into the living room, and was taken aback by what he saw. Both boys quickly turned their heads to look at him, and pleaded with their eyes for him to intervene on their behalf. He instantly yelled for his wife. When she appeared he silently pointed toward his sons and rolled his eyes in exasperation.

  “What’s going on here Esther?” He said.

  Quickly, the boy’s mother explained to their father what they were being punished for. Their father listened intently and shook his head slowly when she had finished. He looked at the boys who were still on their knees holding up the Encyclopedias. He ran his fingers through his hair and then walked over to the boys.

  “Is what your mother just told me true boys?” He asked.

  Both boys glanced at each other and then turned to look at their father. They silently nodded in reply.

  “Well then, I have no choice but to punish you for your wicked ways. Put down the Encyclopedias and stand.” He said.

  Both boys dropped the Encyclopedias unceremoniously onto the floor in front of them and slowly rose to their feet, their knees bloody. As they did this, their mother entered the room and handed their father a brown leather flogger with small metal beads attached to the ends of it. The boys took deep breaths and watched their father. He instructed the boys to turn around and grip the backs of the chairs their mother had placed behind them.

  “Aaron, because you are older, you shall receive punishment last and watch as your brother suffers. Pray that God forgives you for leading your brother astray.” He said.

  Aaron watched horrified as their father savagely beat Seth, tears streaming down his face. Seth was not even conscious to witness Aaron’s punishment. Their mother grinned broadly throughout the entire ordeal. After it was all over and Aaron had managed to drag his brother to their room, the boys father step outside for a cigarette. Once outside and out of earshot, the boy’s father reached inside his back pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He dialed a number, placed the phone to his ear and waited for the call to go through.

  “Rebecca?” He whispered. “Look, we can’t meet at my house anymore. I was close to being found out today. My wife found your earing and the used condom in my son’s room.”

  He smiled. “Thank God for sacrificial lambs.”

  Author Bio

  Rachel Gardner is a fiction writer that specializes in literature and screenwriting. She often takes her own life stories and fictionalizes them for a wider audience. Although she loves writing stories comedic in nature, she dabbles in all genres. She is currently studying Creative Writing for Entertainment at Full Sail University. You can find her in her hometown of Brooklyn, New York, roaming the streets, looking for inspiration for her next great story.

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