Princes in the Tower by Alison Weir

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  Memorials of King Henry VII (ed. J. Gairdner, Rolls Series, 1858)

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  The Reign of Henry VII from Contemporary Sources (3 vols, ed. A. F. Pollard, 1913; reprinted New York, 1967)

  Rous, John: Joannis Rossi Antiquarii Warwicensis. Historia Regum Angliae (ed. T. Hearne, Oxford, 1716 and 1745)

  The Song of the Lady Bessy (in English Historical Literature in the Fifteenth Century, ed. C. L. Kingsford, Oxford, 1913)

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  Vergil, Polydore: Three Books of Polydore Vergil's English History (ed. H. Ellis, Camden Society, 1844)

  Seventeenth-Century Sources

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  Buck, Sir George: History of the Life and Reign of Richard III (5 vols, ed. G. Buck (nephew), 1646; included in White Kennett's History of England, 1710; ed. A. N. Kincaid, Alan Sutton, 1979)

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  Foreign Sources

  Basin, Thomas: Histoire de Charles VII (2 vols, ed. C. Samaran, Paris, 1933 and 1944)

  But, Adrien de: Chroniques relatives ct I'Histoire de la Belgique sous la Domination des Dues de Bourgogne, Vol. I (ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove, Académie Royale de Belgique, Brussels, 1870)

  Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State Papers relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives of Simancas and elsewhere (13 vols, ed. G. A. Bergenroth, P. de Gayangos, G. Mat-tingley, M. A. S. Hume and R. Taylor, 1862-1965)

  Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts existing in the Archives and Collections of Milan (ed. A. B. Hinds, HMSO, 1912)

  Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice and in other Libraries of Northern Italy (38 vols, ed. Rawdon Brown, G. Cavendish-Bentinck, H. F. Brown and A. B. Hinds, 1864-1947)

  Clercq, J. du: Mimoires sur le Rigne de Philippe le Bon, Due de Bourgogne (ed. M. le Baron de Reiffenberg, 1835-36)

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  Journal des t.tats Giniraux de France tenus d Tours en 1484 (ed. J. Masselin and A. Bernier, Paris, 1835)

  Marche, Olivier de la: Mimoires d'Olivier de la Marche (ed. H. Beaune and J. d'Arbaumont, Paris, 1883)

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  Molinet, Jean: Chroniques de Jean Molinet, 1476-1506 (3 vols, ed. J. Doutrepont and O. Jodogne, Académie Royale de Belgique, Brussels, 1935-37)

  Scriptores Rerum Silesiacarum (3 vols, ed. G. A. Stenzel, Breslau, 1847)

  Waurin, Jean de: Anchiennes Chroniques d'Engleterre (3 vols, ed. Mile E. Dupont, Paris, 1858-63)

  Secondary Sources

  General and Miscellaneous Works

  Armstrong, C .A. J.: The Inauguration Ceremonies of the Yorkist Kings (Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 30, 1948)

  Armstrong, C. A. J.: The Piety of Cecily, Duchess of York (in For Hilaire Belloc, ed. D. Woodruffe, 1942)

  Brooks, F. W.: The Council of the North (Historical Association Pamphlet, 1966)

  Cust, Mrs Henry: Gentleman Errant: Gabriel Tetzel of Nuremburg (1909)

  Dart, John: The History an
d Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Westminster (2 vols, 1723)

  Davies, C. S. L.: Peace, Print and Protestantism: 1450-1558 (The Paladin History of England, Hart-Davis, MacGibbon, 1976)

  The Dictionary of National Biography (63 vols, ed. L. Stephen and S. Lee, 1885-1938)

  Fletcher, Brian: 'Tree-Ring Dates for Some Paintings in England' (Burlington Magazine, cxvi, 1974)

  Fowler, Kenneth: The Age of Plantagenet and Valois (Ferndale, 1980)

  Green, V. H. H.: The Later Plantagenets (Edward Arnold, 1955)

  The Handbook of British Chronology (ed. F. M. Powicke and E. B. Fryde, Royal Historical Society, 1961)

  Harvey, John: The Plantagenets (Batsford, 1948)

  Hassall, W. O.: They Saw it Happen, 55 BC to 1485 (Blackwell, Oxford, 1957)

  Hassall, W. O.: Who's Who in History, Vol. 1:55 BC to 1485 (Blackwell, Oxford, 1960)

  Howard, Maurice: The Earl Tudor Country House: Architecture and Politics, 1490-1550 (George Philips, 1987)

  Jacob, E. F.: The Fifteenth Century, 1399-1485 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1961, 1969)

  Kendall, Paul Murray: The Yorkist Age (Allen and Unwin, 1962)

  Lander, J. R.: Conflict and Stability in Fifteenth-Century England (Hutchinson, 1969)

  Lane, Henry Murray: The Royal Daughters of England (2 vols, Constable, 1910)

  Lindsay, Philip: Kings of Merry England (Howard Baker, 1936)

  Macdougall, Norman: James IV (John Donald, Edinburgh, 1989)

  Minster Lovell Hall: Official Handbook (Department of the Environment, HMSO, 1977)

  Palmer, Alan: Princes of Wales (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1979)

  Palmer, Alan and Veronica: Royal England: A Historical Gazeteer (Methuen, 1983)

  Peck, F.: Desiderata Curiosa (1799) (for the tale of Richard Plantagenet of Eastwell)

  Platt, Colin: The National Trust Guide to Late Mediaeval and Renaissance Britain (National Trust, 1986)

  Platt, Colin: The Traveller's Guide to Mediaeval England (Seeker and Warburg, 1985)

  Poole, Austin Lane: Late Mediaeval England (2 vols, Oxford University

  Press, Oxford, 1958) Rae, Dr John: Deaths of the English Kings (1913)

  Robinson, John Martin: The Dukes of Norfolk: A Quincentennial History (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1982)

  Royal Britain (The Automobile Association, 1976)

  Weinreb, Ben and Hibbert, Christopher: The London Encyclopaedia (Macmillan, 1983)

  Westminster Abbey: Official Guide (various editions)

  Wickham, D. E.: Discovering Kings and Queens (Shire Publications, 1973)

  Wilkinson, B.: The Late Middle Ages in England, 1216-1485 (1969)

  For the Wars of the Roses

  Alderman, Clifford Lindsey: Blood Red the Roses: The Wars of the Roses (1971)

  Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses (ed. Elizabeth Hallam, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1988)

  Cole, Hubert: The Wars of the Roses (Hart-Davis MacGibbon, 1973)

  Goodman, Anthony: The Wars of the Roses: Military Activity and English Society, 1452-1497 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981) Kinross, John: The Battlefields of Britain (David and Charles, Devon, 1979)

  Lander, J. R.: The Wars of the Roses (Alan Sutton, 1990)

  Pollard, A. J.: The Wars of the Roses (Macmillan, 1988)

  Ross, Charles: The Wars of the Roses (1976)

  Rowse, A. L.: Bosworth Field and the Wars of the Roses (Macmillan, 1966)

  For Edward IV and His Family

  Clive, Mary M.: This Sun of York: A Biography of Edward IV (Macmillan, 1973)

  Davies, Katharine: The First Queen Elizabeth (Lovat Dickson, 1937)

  Falkus, Gila: The Life and Times of Edward TV (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981)

  Hicks, M. A.: False, Fleeting, Perjur'd Clarence (Alan Sutton, 1980)

  Ross, Charles: Edward IV (Eyre Methuen, 1974)

  Scofield, Cora L.: The Life and Reign of Edward the Fourth (2 vols, 1923, reprinted by Frank Cass and Co. 1967)

  Simons, Eric N.: The Reign of Edward IV (1966)

  For Richard III

  Cheetham, Anthony: The Life and Times of Richard III (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972) (revisionist)

  Drewett, Richard and Redhead, Mark: The Trial of Richard III (Alan Sutton, 1984)

  Given-Wilson, Chris and Curteis, Alice: The Royal Bastards of Mediaeval England (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984) (for details of Richard Ill's bastard children)

  Hammond, P. W. and Sutton, Anne F.: Richard III: The Road to Bosworth Field (Constable, 1985)

  Hanham, Alison: Richard III and his Early Historians (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1975)

  Kendall, Paul Murray: Richard the Third (Allen and Unwin, 1955) (revisionist; for many years, the definitive biography, but now largely discredited)

  Lamb, V. B.: The Betrayal of Richard III (The Research Publishing Company, 1959) (revisionist)

  Markham, Sir Clements: Richard III: His Life and Character (1906) (revisionist)

  Potter, Jeremy: Good King Richard? (Constable, 1983) (revisionist)

  Ross, Charles: Richard III (Eyre Methuen, 1981) (traditionalist; the definitive biography)

  St Aubyn, Giles: The Year of Three Kings: 1483 (Collins, Glasgow, 1983)

  Seward, Desmond: Richard III: England's Black Legend (Country Life Books, 1983) (traditionalist)

  Tudor-Craig, Pamela: Richard III (National Portrait Gallery, 1973, 1977)

  Woodward, G. W. O.: King Richard III (Pitkin, 1972)

  The Princes in the Tower

  Crawford, A.: 'The Mowbray Inheritance* (The Ricardian, June, 1981)

  Jenkins, Elizabeth: The Princes in the Tower (Hamish Hamilton, 1978)

  Molleson, Theya: 'Anne Mowbray and the Princes in the Tower: a Study in Identity* (The London Archaeologist, Vol. 5, no. 10, Spring 1987)

  Richard III and the Princes in the Tower (ed. Langdon-Davies, Jackdaw Series, 1965)

  Tanner, L. E., and Wright, W.: 'Recent Investigations Regarding the Fate of the Princes in the Tower' (Archaeologia, LXXXIV, 1934)

  Williamson, Audrey: The Mystery of the Princes (Alan Sutton, 1978)

  The Tower of London

  Charlton, John: The Tower of London: Its Buildings and Institutions (HMSO, 1978)

  Hibbert, Christopher: The Tower of London (Readers' Digest, 1971)

  Mears, Kenneth J.: The Tower of London: 900 Years of English History (Phaidon Press, Oxford, 1988)

  Minney, R. J.: The Tower of London (Cassell, 1970)

  Picard, Barbara Leone: The Tower and the Traitors (Batsford, 1961)

  Rowse, A. L.: The Tower of London in the History of the Nation (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1972)

  Somerset Fry, Plantagenet: The Tower of London: Cauldron of Britain's Past (Quiller Press, 1990)

  Wilson, Derek: The Tower, 1078-1978 (Hamish Hamilton, 1978)

  Henry VII

  Chrimes, S. B.: Henry VII (Eyre Methuen, 1972)

  Chrimes, S. B.: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII (1966)

  Grant, Alexander: Henry VII (Methuen, 1985)

  Lenz-Harvey, N.: Elizabeth of York, Tudor Queen (1973)

  Macalpine, Joan: The Shadow of the Tower: Henry VII and his England (BBC Publications, 1971)

  Rees, David: The Son of Prophecy: Henry Tudor's Road to Bosworth (Black Raven Press, 1985)

  Williams, Neville: The Life and Times of Henry VII (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973)

  The Tudor Period

  Bennett, Michael: Lambert Simnel and the Battle of Stoke (Alan Sutton, 1987)

  Durant, Horatia: Sorrowful Captives: The Tudor Earls of Devon (Griffin Press, 1960)

  Elton, G. R.: England under the Tudors (Methuen, 1955)

  Mackie, J. D.: The Earlier Tudors, 1485-1558 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1952, 1966)

  Morris, Christopher: The Tudors (Batsford, 1955)

  Plowden, Alison: The House of Tudors (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976)

  Routh, C. R. N.: Who's Who in History, Vol. II, England 1485-1603 (Blackwell, Oxford, 1964)

; Sir Thomas More

  Marius, Richard: Thomas More (Dent, 1984)

  Ridley, Jasper: The Statesman and the Fanatic: Thomas Wolsey and Thomas More (Constable, 1982)

  Strong, Sir Roy: Tudor and Jacobean Portraits (2 vols, National Portrait Gallery, 1969) (for a discussion on paintings of the More family group)

  Trapp, J. B. and Herbrüggen, H. S.: The King's Good Servant: Sir Thomas More, 1477/8-1535 (National Portrait Gallery, 1977)

  Wilson, D.: England in the Age of Thomas More (1978)

  About the Author

  Alison Weiris the author of The Six Wives of Henry VIII, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy, The Wars of the Roses, The Children of Henry VIII, The Life of Elizabeth I, and Eleanor of Aquitaine. She lives in Surrey with her husband and two children.

  [Captions on removed pictures from the middle of the book]

  1 above Richard III: early 17th century (?) copy of a portrait by an anonymous artist of c. 1518-23 in the Royal Collection. When this picture was painted the legend of the villainous 'crookbacked king' with one shoulder higher than the other was firmly established.

  2 above right The earliest surviving portrait of Richard, dating from c. 1516-22 and almost certainly a copy of a lost original painted from life, shows no apparent deformity.

  3 right The 'Broken Sword' portrait by an unknown artist, f.1533-43. X-rays show that drastic alterations were made later on, when Richard's reputation was rehabilitated, to give the deformed-looking king a more normal appearance.

  4 Edward IV: his son Edward. the elder of the two Princes, was 'his greatest joy'.

  5 Elizabeth Wydville: 'everyone, as he was nearest of kin unto the Queen, was so planted next about the Prince, whereby her blood might of youth be rooted in the Prince's favour' (Sir Thomas More).

  6 opposite page Illustration from The York Roll: at the top is Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, 'the Kingmaker', and his wife, Anne Beauchamp, the mother-in-law whom Richard III treated so callously. To the left is Warwick's daughter Anne Neville with her two husbands, Edward of Lancaster and Richard III, with Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales, her son by Richard, below. To the right is Anne's sister Isabella Neville with her husband, George, Duke of Clarence, and their children Edward, Earl of Warwick, and Margaret, later Countess of Salisbury.

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