Ride With Me (A Quaking Heart Novel - Book One) by Janith Hooper

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  Clint spotted Jessica scuttle across the kitchen toward the front door, heard a hiccup, and immediately came to his feet to follow. Mary put a hand to his shoulder, pushing him gently back to his seat. She came around the table, caught his gaze and shook her head, then turned to the stove.

  Clint was torn. He wanted to follow Mary's lead. Plus, he should stay to visit with her granddaughter. But his heart was aching, familiar enough with Jessie's hiccups to know she was upset. He thought back over his fixated reaction to Rose Marie and knew he'd been the cause of Jessie's pain. Hurting her shattered him. Over and over.

  For now, he needed to go to her, but he didn't know what he'd say and he was tired of doing it all wrong. Rising annoyance was churning his blood. Okay, so it was true. He couldn't deny he'd had an initial reaction to Rose Marie, and Jessie had witnessed it. Rose Marie was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on, and he'd seen plenty. But, this was his way. This was who he was, and Jessie had better get a hold of that. Hadn't he already proven he couldn't fix this thing between the two of them?

  So, why was not fixing it grating against his soul?

  He sat with Walt, not hearing a word the little man said, when Rose Marie made her re-entrance. She had freshened up and was now in a dress the color of wild violets. Low cut. Definitely not appropriate for Montana, but what an image. Clint couldn't hold his tongue. "You look remarkable, Rose Marie." He rose to pull out a chair for her.

  But concern for Jessie tugged on his tattered conscience, so after pushing Rose Marie's chair into place he turned to head outside.

  Mary gave him a chastising stare. At the same time, Rose Marie fastened a hand to his arm. "Clint, I had hoped we'd have supper together and get to know each other." She gave him a bright smile and coaxed him to sit down with a short tug on his arm. "Grandma spoils me. She's making my favorite tea. Would you like some?"

  Clint glanced at the door, then back to Rose Marie and—he was certain it was for Mary's sake—he stayed.
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