Ride With Me (A Quaking Heart Novel - Book One) by Janith Hooper

  Chapter 5

  Jessica opened sleep-deprived eyes and blinked at the new morning. When her mind cleared away the morning fogginess, she oriented herself to her surroundings. Threads of light barely illuminated the pleasant room. She tossed back the covers, dressed quickly, and after making her bed, went straight to the kitchen.

  No Mabel. No Roy. No one. The place seemed cold without the activity of warm bodies and mindless chatter. Not yet knowing the routine for breakfast, she decided to step out the front door to watch the sunrise.

  Jessica leaned against a porch post, arms crossed in front of her, enjoying the pine scent and crisp morning air. Caught up in the beauty of the break of dawn she didn't immediately notice Clint until he was halfway between the barn and the house. Her heart tripped when she spotted him, and she watched in awe at his show of confidence in just the way he walked with hat pulled low and a hand busily rolling up a sleeve to his taupe-colored work shirt.

  When he drew up he tapped the front rim of his hat and said, in that deep voice, "Mornin'."

  "Good Morning, Clint," she croaked with a voice she hadn't used yet.

  "You're up mighty early. Mabel doesn't usually get to the kitchen until six. The boys feed the barnyard animals before coming in for breakfast about seven-thirty. What brings you outside this early?"

  "I didn't sleep well last night." Not sure why she'd told him that, and hoping he wouldn't ask her why, she hurried on. "So, I thought I'd get up and enjoy the beauty of the morning. Mainly, I wanted to see how God would paint the sunrise today. Look at that." She nodded toward it.

  He scoffed as he glanced at it. "Looks like a shower later."

  "What makes you say that?" They were at eye level now since he lingered two steps below her. A woman could get lost in those eyes and never want to be saved. Not just green, but variegated with mostly emerald slashes and spots of lime, surrounded by a thin dark ring of forest pine. Unusual, arresting.

  "Red skies at night, cowboy's delight. Red skies in the morning, cowboys take warning."

  "You mean sailors . . ."

  His blank stare made her wonder if he really knew the old saying. She decided not to push it. "What's that have to do with showers?"

  "Watching for what to expect from Mother Nature."

  "You mean from God—" She bit off the rest and cringed. She hadn't meant to go there.

  He paused, looking grim. "Whatever you say." He tapped his hat brim with a finger and stepped up and around her to the porch. Glancing back he said, "See you inside for breakfast."

  Jessica pressed a hand to her hot cheek and groaned. Her first real conversation with this man and what does she do? She flattens him with a sermon. Lord, You've always been such an important part of my life that I can't keep from sharing about You. Help me to learn to draw people to You, not make them run the other way.

  The gray bronc—from yesterday—caught her attention as it restlessly circled the corral. She understood the animal's plight, feeling trapped and anxious about what was to come. Thankfully, the mixture of fresh air and scents of the ranch helped to settle her nerves.

  Finally, ready to face the day, she turned to go inside.

  The minute she stepped across the threshold she heard the sound of percolators gurgling. The scent of freshly brewed coffee teased her nostrils. Clint lounged at one of the tables with his back to the kitchen, holding a large mug of the robust brew.

  How could she work here, seeing him for three meals a day, and cope. Well, somehow she would. That was all there was to it.

  "Deep in thought again, I see," Mabel said as she nudged Jessica in the ribs.

  She flinched. "What's for breakfast, Mabel?"

  "The usual. Mush. Bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy. Roy always likes whatever fruit's in season. Right now I got huckleberries to serve up. You need to get busy."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Mabel would have you do it all—" a deep voice cut in, "—if she could get away with it. Wouldn't you Mabel?" Clint swung around, coffee cup in hand.

  "Now, you jest hush up. Yer just mad at me cuz your latest love interest ran outta here all bent outta shape, couple weeks ago."

  Clint narrowed his eyes at her. "As I recall, Miss Mabel, you're the one who chased out that last girl."

  "Humph! I've had six helpers in the last two months that haven't worked out, and you, Mr. Wilkins, seem to be the only common thread." Her stubby little arms flailed about as she made her point. "And once you take up with them, they stop workin'."

  Clint laughed, surprising Jessica. He must be the only person on this ranch who didn't fear Mabel. Jessica found she instantly loved the sound of his laughter, as rich as his voice and rolling out from his depths.

  "You're so blasted mean to them, Mabel. You'd better watch out with this one, though. She's Roy's kin, remember. Try a little kindness."

  "You promise me you'll leave this one alone, and we'll do jest fine." Mabel turned her back to stir the mush.

  Clint laughed and pivoted back to the table.

  Jessica's stomach plunged to her toes. Funny how a conversation starring her could make her feel so nonexistent.

  Her heart seemed to have chosen its mate, and the fact that it was the same choice as dozens of others stung like a prickly thistle. Bad enough to have been in the room for the conversation, but Clint's amusement over Mabel's worry wounded her deeply. She didn't even know the man. And he didn't know her. Still, her mutinous body had promptly flooded her face with intense heat. She was thankful no one else had been present to hear their banter, and see her fierce blush.

  Lord, why am I always so out of place?

  Nonetheless, she made a pledge to herself and God right then: not to fail Mabel or lose herself to Clint. She would work twice as hard as the others and ignore this beguiling, gorgeous cowboy.
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