Tainted Bodies by Sarah Robinson

  “Yes, this man. His name is Craig, he works at the coffee shop that I always go to, the Java Jolt. His cousin, Johnny I think the name is…or maybe it’s Jimmy? Well anyways, his cousin also works there and got him the job. I remember I met him one time and I just got such a bad feeling about him, he creeped me out because his gaze was so intense.” Kate said eagerly.

  “Have you ever talked with him personally? Any other interactions with him outside of the coffee shop?” Detective Snow asked further, pulling the photograph out of the binder and looking at it.

  “No, I have never said a word to him and I don’t think I ever saw him outside of the coffee shop. I really only saw him once or twice at the coffee shop, although I never really paid a lot of attention.” Kate said, thoughtfully.

  “Well, this is definitely something we will follow up on. It could be something but it could also be nothing, so I wouldn’t get your hopes up too much. However, I can promise you that we will look into it and it’s a great lead.” Detective Snow told Kate, tucking the photograph of Craig into her clipboard to bring out to show Detective McCraig.

  Kate nodded, she understood that. With all the pictures in this book, it was likely that she would notice someone she knew or had seen before. It was doubtful that this was her attacker, right? I mean, it was just a guy who makes her coffee…it couldn’t be anything more than that. Kate thought, pondering the idea but she didn’t know how she felt about it. Part of her felt good to have a face to associate with as a possible suspect, but was frightened by how often this man could have seen her and planned this.

  Kate pulled her purse up her arm onto her shoulder and hugged it tight against herself. She knew that the photograph was still in her purse, unseen and unknown. She hadn’t even mentioned any of that to the detective, which she knew wasn’t right but she just wasn’t ready.

  She had helped enough already, hadn’t she? Why did she have to humiliate herself again by showing that photograph when they might be able to find him without ever knowing it existed? Kate felt guilty as she thought about it, but only clutched her purse tighter.

  “Kate, its about lunch time now and you are probably tired, so why don’t you head home and relax and we can pick this up tomorrow? We did a lot today and you did an amazing job, you should be really proud of yourself. Everything you did today was really brave.” The detective said to her, patting her on the shoulder.

  Kate pulled her purse even tighter against her at the thought of the detective thinking that she was brave. She wasn’t brave enough to show the detective the photograph. Would she ever be brave enough?


  The End

  To be continued in the second part of


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  Sarah Robinson, Tainted Bodies



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